Current & Newest Opportunities

Here is a list of current projects that we are seeking investors:
At this current time we have no active projects that we are currently
seeking investment partners.
We are personally building our forever home in Utah and all our efforts and a
lot of our money is going towards this right now.
We are in a personal maintenance mode.
We plan to seek out partners again in early 2027 to pursue another retail plaza.
Please sign up below to be put on our Investment Partners Opportunities List be informed of when our next project will likely commence:
We could lie and pretend we are actively developing,
but that is not us and we like to keep things real, always be honest and upfront.
We don't play games and what you see if what you get.
Since 1992, Alan Development has been procuring land and developing commercial, mixed-use and multi-family projects. Our company also acquires existing buildings and turns them into viable income properties.
We do projects completely on our own or partner with corporations, investors, lenders or private individuals.
Contact us today to discuss investment and partner opportunities.
Commerical Real Estate Development & Investments